Thursday, September 29, 2011

The New Used Book.

It's always fun to get a new used book from somewhere. In this case, it was a library hardcover copy of the most well-researched book to date on my subject...

What's most delightful is when a previous owner or user of a book has left little notes written in the margins. They give you clues to the inner workings of their mind. Whoever wrote in this once-library volume seemed to have designs on writing something herself about the subject (the handwriting is characteristically female), and turned up a little bit of speculation that is only spoken of a few places, so I'm kind of impressed... Granted, they don't have the research I've done which makes pretty clear that particular bit of speculation about the ethnic origins of my subject's father are false. Still, it was nice to see someone else digging away.

I've been feeling just a shade lonely in my own peculiar way lately, and this song's been on my mind a lot... Thought I'd share.